Nine days, Eight nights | One departure a year
Want to see Bruges and Brussels? Not on this tour. You’ll go to enchanting cities that most tourists will never visit, such as Kortrijk. See how the real people of Belgium live and thrive, and sometimes thrive under adversity. You’ll learn how wars and political borders shaped this region and its proud people. You’ll be traveling mostly in Wallonia, the southern and French-speaking region of Belgium. For decades this region was known for coal and steel. Those days are gone now and region has had to reinvent itself. You'll visit breweries you may have heard of such as Brasserie Caracole and Brunehaut, and some you may not know. All excellent.
Two major beer festivals will be part of the Tour, the Alvinne Craft Beer Festival (ACBF) held in Vichte near Kortrijk in the Flanders region in the north and the Tournai Beer Festival held guessed it, Tournai, in Wallonia. ACBF invitational brings in a hand-picked list of cutting edge breweries breweries from Europe and the North America to share their innovations. Tournai Beer Festival promotes the beers of Wallonia, many which will be new to you and go beyond your wildest expectations. The Walloons know how to brew some great beer! (ACBF is only held in odd-numbered years).